- Joined
- Mar 5, 2009
- Messages
- 530
- Reaction score
- 431
- Points
- 288
Player and VIP Commands
General Server Commands:
Commands for Players with a VIP Nick:
Chat & Console Commands for Super VIPs:
Chat & Console Commands for Donor Admins:
Chat & Console Commands for Lifetime Admins:
Server specific commands:
35hp_2 Commands:
Zombie Plague:
General Server Commands:
- /ach or /achievements: Displays achievement statistics.
- /aenable: Enables or disables the experience informer.
- /bantimes: Shows ban lengths and reasons.
- /bantimes_es: Shows ban lengths and reasons in Spanish.
- /commands: Lists available chat commands.
- /csdownload: Redirects you to our 'Counter-Strike' download site.
- /czdownload: Redirects you to our 'Counter-Strike: Condition Zero' download site.
- /donationfaq: Frequently Asked Questions about donations.
- /faq: Frequently Asked Questions.
- /faq_es: Frequently Asked Questions in Spanish.
- /freereg: A guide to registering your nickname.
- /freereg_es: A guide in Spanish for registering your nickname.
- /help: Main menu for the server.
- /hp: Displays information about your killer.
- /info: Main menu for the server.
- /ip or /serverip: Shows the current server's IP in chat and console.
- /lang: Language menu.
- /me: Displays your progression for the current round.
- /menu: Main menu for the server.
- /mute: Displays a list of players to mute.
- /rs or /resetscore: Resets your score.
- /rules: List of rules for all servers.
- /rules_es: List of rules in Spanish for all servers.
- /server, /servers, or /serverlist: Displays a list of all available servers to join.
- /servercommands: Lists available chat commands.
- /switch: Toggles stats-storing.
- /vip or /vipinfo: Information about buying VIP/Super VIP/Admin privileges.
- /vips: Shows the names of VIPs/Super VIPs/Admins in the current server.
- /sounds: Toggles sounds on and off.
- /currentmap: Displays the name of the currently played map.
- /nextmap: Displays the name of the next map, if voted.
- /timeleft: Shows the remaining time for the current map.
- /thetime: Displays the server's current time (based on its timezone).
- HLstatsX commands:
- accuracy
- action
- actions
- clans
- hlstatsx
- hlx
- hlx_menu
- kdeath
- kdratio
- kill
- kills
- kpd
- next
- place
- player_kills
- points
- rank
- session
- session_data
- skill
- stats
- statsme
- target
- targets
- top5
- top10
- top15
- top20
- weapon
- weapons
- /calladmin: Sends a report from the current server to available admins to join.
- /voteban: Initiates a vote to ban a player.
Commands for Players with a VIP Nick:
- /vipmenu: Opens a menu with various available gameplay options.
- /hideme: Hides your presence in the "/VIPs" list and removes the 'VIP' status from the scoreboard.
Chat & Console Commands for Super VIPs:
- /esp: Helps you determine whether a player is cheating by drawing player lines through walls.
- Console: amx_chat: Sends messages visible to other Super VIPs and Admins.
- Console: amx_csay <color> <message>: Displays your message in the middle of the HUD to all players.
- Console: amx_psay <playername> <message>: Sends your message to a specific player.
- Console: amx_say <message>: Displays your message in a better format to all players.
- Console: amx_tsay <color> <message>: Displays your message on the left side of the HUD to all players.
Chat & Console Commands for Donor Admins:
- /spec: Moves you to the Spectators team.
- /back: Returns you to a team.
- Console: admin: Admin menu.
- Console: amx_modmenu: Admin menu.
- Console: amx_ban <time in minutes> <playername> <reason>: Bans the player.
- Console: amx_banmenu: Opens a menu with several ban options.
- Console: amx_gagmenu: Opens a menu with several gag options.
- Console: amx_kick <playername> <reason>: Kicks the player.
- Console: amx_kickmenu: Opens a menu with several kick options.
- Console: amx_last: Lists all players who recently disconnected from the server.
- Console: amx_menu: Admin menu.
- Console: amx_showloc: Displays advanced information about current players on the server (nickname, IP, location).
- Console: amx_slap <playername> <amount of damage>: Slaps the player.
- Console: amx_slapmenu: Opens a menu with several slap options.
- Console: amx_slay <playername>: Slaughters the player.
- Console: amx_ss <playername>: Captures four screenshots from the player's game.
- Console: amx_ssmenu: Opens a menu with several screenshot options.
- Console: amx_users: Displays advanced information about current players on the server (nickname, IP, location).
- Console: amx_vote <question> <answer1> <answer2>: Starts a vote in the HUD.
- Console: amx_votemap <map1> <map2> <map3>: Starts a vote for a new map.
- Console: amx_votemapmenu: Opens a menu to change the current map.
- Console: amx_who or amx_whois: Displays advanced information about current players on the server (nickname, privileges, registration).
- Console: amx_spectate: Allows certain admins to spectate while remaining in a team.
- Console: fb_menu: Simple ban menu.
- Console: sm_users: Displays advanced information about current players on the server (nickname, IP, location).
Chat & Console Commands for Lifetime Admins:
- /lan: Checks if someone is playing in the same network (often used to 'ghost').
- Console: amx_bandisconnectedmenu: Opens a menu to ban a player who recently disconnected.
- Console: amx_cancelvote: Cancels a currently ongoing vote.
- Console: amx_map <mapname>: Changes the current map to the specified one.
- Console: amx_mapmenu: Opens a menu with map options for change.
- Console: amx_rateslist: Displays rates from players currently on the server.
- Console: amx_teammenu: Opens a menu to switch a player's team.
- Console: fb_offban: Opens a menu to ban a player who recently disconnected.
Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of: [Staff Rank 2] CS Senior Moderator, [Staff Rank 3] CS Moderator
Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of: [Staff Rank 1] CS Administrator
Server specific commands:
35hp_2 Commands:
- General Server Commands:
- /water - This command allows you to toggle the visibility of water on the map.
- /team - This command opens a menu that allows you to form teams with your enemies.
- /rush - This command opens a menu for initiating rush duels.
- /speed - Use this command to enable or disable the speedometer.
- /knives - This command opens a menu where you can change your knife model.
- /ers - Use this command to enable or disable the round end music.
- /cam - This command opens a menu that allows players to change their camera view.
- VIP Chat Commands:
- /dance - This command opens a menu for selecting different dance animations.
- /hats - Use this command to access the hats menu.
- /trail - This command allows you to apply trails to your character.
- VIP Console Commands:
- bind X +paint - This console command binds the Paint feature to the X key, allowing you to use it when pressed.
Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of: [Staff Rank 2] CS Senior Moderator, [Staff Rank 3] CS Moderator, [Staff Rank 1] CS Administrator
Zombie Plague:
- /lasermine - This command opens a menu that provides instructions on how to use the lasermine feature.
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