UGC-Gaming.NET - TF2/CS/CSGO Discord
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📢 Introducing the New UGC Forum: A Leap Forward in Our Community Journey! 🚀

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Mar 5, 2009
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We are absolutely happy to announce that after months of hard work, the new forum is now live! We embarked on this journey on February 1, 2023, and today, July 19, 2023, we stand proudly, having accomplished our goal of creating a more advanced and faster platform for all of you. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the contributors who made this possible – @ryt , @Bane , @dedimark , @WeeKenD , @Nakaii^ , and @peT. who joined us on April 17, 2023, and has been an invaluable addition to the project manager's team.

During this journey, we encountered various challenges that tested our resolve, but we faced them head-on and overcame each obstacle, resulting in a forum that we can all be proud of. It is indeed a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team that we have achieved our vision for an improved UGC community.

We must also extend our heartfelt appreciation to @Noctis for his exceptional work in enhancing the search engine, Also, we want to thank @Where for their contribution in creating the TF2 forms.

While we had initially hoped for a quicker completion, we believe the extra time invested was well worth it. The result is a forum that not only meets but exceeds our expectations. The experience gained during this process has been invaluable, making us better equipped to provide an exceptional platform for all members.

As we move forward, our journey is far from over. In the coming months, we have exciting plans in store, including the launch of new game servers to host within our community. We eagerly await the opportunity to bring you new experiences and opportunities for engagement within UGC.

To ensure a harmonious and positive atmosphere within the forum, we have made several edits and updates to our rules. We kindly request all staff members and users to familiarize themselves with these changes and stay up-to-date with the latest guidelines.

Finally, we want to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for being a part of UGC. It is your presence, participation, and passion that make this community what it is today. Rest assured, UGC will continue to work for excellence and maintain its position as one of the best gaming communities out there.

Thank you for being a part of this remarkable journey with us. Together, we shall continue to grow and thrive.

Warm regards,
UGC-Gaming Team
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