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CS 1.6 READ ME Nick registration & Nick identify


Mar 5, 2009
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In CS 1.6, registering your nickname is essential for securing your identity and preventing unauthorized players from using your name. Once registered, your nickname will be protected across all servers, ensuring that only you can use it during gameplay.

Nickname registration

Step 1: Registering Your Nickname
  1. Click on the following link to access the nickname registration form.
  2. Review Symbols allowed for nickname registration
    ` grave, grave accent, backtick, back quto
    ~ tilde
    ! exclamation mark, exclamation point, bang
    @ at, at sign, number
    $ dollars(s)
    % precent, precent sign, parts per 100
    ^ carat, hat, circumflex, exponent symbol
    & and, ampresand
    * asterisk
    ( open perenthesis, left perenthesis
    ) close perenthesis, right perenthesis
    () parenthese, round brackets
    - hypen, minus, munus sign, dash
    _ underscore
    = quals, equals sign
    + addition, plus sign
    [] brackets, squar brackets
    [ open brackets
    ] close brackets
    {} braces, curly brackets
    { open brace
    } close brace
    \ blackslash, backward slash
    | vertical pipe, pipe
    ; semicoin
    : colon
    ' qpostrophe, prime, single quote
    " quotation mark, double quote
    . period, decimal, dot
    / slash, forward slash
    <> angle brackets
    < less than
    > greater than
    ? question mark
  3. Fill out the form with your desired nickname and other required information.
  4. Only the English alphabet, numbers and specified symbols are accepted.
  5. Submit the form to register your nickname.
Please Note: After submitting the form, one of our staff members will review and register your nickname in the system. This process ensures that your nickname remains protected and exclusive to you. Unauthorized players attempting to use your registered nickname on any server will be automatically kicked by the system.

Nickname identification

Step 2: Launching CS 1.6
  1. Ensure that you have CS 1.6 installed on your computer.
  2. Launch the CS 1.6 game client from your desktop or Start menu.

Step 3: Opening the Console
  1. Once you are in the main menu of CS 1.6, press the "~" key on your keyboard to open the console.
  2. The console should appear at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4: Setting Your In-Game Name
  1. In the console, type "name" (without quotation marks) followed by a space.
  2. Enter your desired in-game name (nickname) after the space.Example: name JohnDoe
  3. Press "Enter" to confirm the name change.

Step 5: Identifying setinfo _pw
  1. In the console, type "setinfo _pw" (without quotation marks) and press "Enter."
  2. The console will display the value assigned to Setinfo _pw, which represents your password.
For a visual walkthrough of the entire process, we have created a video tutorial. You can watch it here.

Remember to keep your setinfo _pw secure and avoid sharing them with others to maintain the integrity of your account and identity. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to submit a support ticket through our Forum Support Ticket system.

Enjoy your gameplay, protect your nickname, and have a fantastic time connecting with fellow players!