UGC-Gaming.NET - TF2/CS Discord
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  1. Skeletorial

    TF2 Approved Staff Application - TF2 Admin - M69

    Hello! Comparing your In-Game activity, Discord activity, and call-admin/support tickets to your last app I think it's safe to say you have great dedication to becoming an admin. I am a YES , keep up the good work! Good Luck!
  2. Skeletorial

    TF2 Removed Staff Application - TF2 Admin - Merk

    Hi there, you're application is great as well as your discord activity and hours in TF2. Although, your in-game activity in our servers are quite low. I'm neutral for now until that is increased. Wish you the best of luck! Edit- My answer has changed to YES. You've greatly improved your...
  3. Skeletorial

    TF2 Death Run

    Idk if there's already one in the works or has been talks of one, but I think death run servers could attract more people and be a great addition to our servers.
  4. Skeletorial

    TF2 Suggestion Accepted Server idea/suggestion

    Is there anyway we can do a jailbreak server? I see a lot of them but noticed over time there isn't one from UGC. Although it does seem like a heavy load for admins
  5. Skeletorial

    TF2 Removed Staff Application - TF2 Admin - Skeletorial

    Did you read the required post? YesAge? 21Position? TF2 Admin Timezone GMT-5 Availability? Most of the time after 1700 unless I have other plansReason for applying? I want to give myself a new responsibility, i feel as if the army has taught me a...