UGC-Gaming.NET - TF2/CS Discord
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  1. $Reaper$

    Locked & Archived Hacks in CS1.6

    I get this error " This email address is already used.
  2. $Reaper$

    Locked & Archived Hacks in CS1.6

    Thank you for the response... btw how can I donate..
  3. $Reaper$

    Locked & Archived Hacks in CS1.6

    I have been playing in this server for years now... and why now that all these guys have Hacks running... come on.. the other day this VIP was 120-3.. come on now. Is this a Hack server now.. If it is.. can some one give me one to use.
  4. $Reaper$

    CS 1.6 Insufficient Evidence What and the World is up with all the Hackers in CS1.6 CS

    I usually dont complain but GDam.... I have been playing on this server for over a year. And what is up with Admins using hacks.. when you go 150-3 and head shot everyone. You hack As a coder myslef I can tell. Come on guys lets be fair... or can we all trun our hacks on... I would go 300 -1 if...
  5. $Reaper$

    CS 1.6 Locked & Archived Setinfo _pw (password) not working

    My password isnot working in CS.. help please